所以這應該是我在船上看到的的刊物--SERIOUS/english version。
主編Phevos Kallisis在封面寫了一段話,我好喜歡,也是我這次希臘之行的整個心得,或許應該要重新定義”旅行”的真諦了。
Yes, summer is about relaxation.
But relaxation is not just about doing nothing.
Relaxation is about escaping and escaping needs sometimes more the action than a repetitive routine, be it a holiday routine.
I always thought that discoveries make things move, they change your perception.
There is always a risk that the outcome of your exploration will not be a match for your higher expectations.
Even thought it may not have the exceptional results you were longing for, still the whole experience offers you something new.
Yes, sometimes we have to disagree with the routines dictated by our tourist guide or by our typical routines.
As you enjoy the sea in the islands, as you sunbathe or taste the local specialties, take an unplanned walk, discover some lonely beaches, listen to new music ,discover the culture beyond the mainstream touristic suggestions.
Even if it doesn’t work, in a magic way you can say that you took a step further.