u2地鐵站taborstr出口,不需要搭街車,順著馬路走一下就到達karmelitermarkt 街,路口轉角有一教堂,原本以為就在教堂前的廣場,左晃晃又逛逛,都沒有攤販,悻悻然的離開。
規模很小,只有幾攤,每個攤位都是幾張桌子陳列物品,晃了兩圈,沒有東西可買,就在旁邊吃的午餐才離,走出來路口看到飄揚著兩面旗幟wienna market,接到大馬路時赫然發現就是原教堂旁邊的路走到底即是,所以堅持是對的
Wednesday 06 August 2014
Art - and antiques market in 1020 Vienna, Leopoldstadt
02, Karmelitermarkt, 8-18 clock
As of 12.3. Every Wednesday a work of art - and antiques market. There may be sold etc. handicraft goods, antiques, high-quality flea market items, such as jewelry, porcelain, clocks, lead crystal. For no circumstances flea market junk. Registration at 06505712420 or e-mail: kunst.antikmarkt @ gmx.at
Standgeb. € 1.50 per sqm plus € 3.11 for Pkwplatz per day.
You can reach the Karmelitermarkt with the U 2 to Taborstr. , Then by bus and tram
Contact: 06505712420 flea market management
Email: kunst.antikmarkt@gmx.at