

這次造訪義大利,特別在米蘭的La Rinascente(文藝復興)百貨公司尋覓AMEDEI巧克力片,種類多到不知道該如何挑選,所以特別請小姐推薦人氣NO.1的商品,於是買了頂級的PORCELANA (CIOCCOLATO FONDENTE EXTRA 70%)兩片,此款巧克力還得過ACADEMY of CHOCOLATE GOLD WINNER 2009的獎項,所以薄薄一片要價9.90歐元,折合台幣400元左右,先生說我瘋了,這麼貴也買的下手!但當我看完英文簡介後,深深覺得是值得的。你同意嗎!?


“Chocolate. The reward of our childhood. The softness of a warm embrace. The energy that makes us want to act, create and discover. The temptation which is so sweet to surrender to. The gift we love to give and wish we’d receive a little more often. A journey to distant lands to help the best cocoa varieties grow and thrive. Forming relationships of friendship, respect and partnership with the people who live where cocoa grows, keepers of ancient knowledge. An encounter with the past and a link to the future. Chocolate. We make it just for you, with love”


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